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International Feminisme på Talk Town 2021

Den årlige debatfestival, Talk Town, er tilbage d. 20-22 maj på Union Cph og online. Med det internationale program ”Feminist Action for Global Change” giver vi i år mikrofonen videre til feministiske bevægelser, aktivister og organisationer fra hele verden – særligt fra det globale syd.

Det forgange år har været præget af den globale pandemi, som har haft store konsekvenser særligt for piger, kvinder og LGBTIQ+ personer verden over. Ikke desto mindre har vi set feministisk modstand blomstre op flere steder i verden – især i det globale syd. Kvinder og queers har været i front når kampe mod undertrykkende magtstrukturer er blevet taget, som fx i Belarus, Sydafrika, Polen, Tyrkiet, Nigeria og Chile. Derfor er vi stolte af at kunne præsentere et stærkt internationalt program på årets festival, så ligestillingsdebatten i Danmark bliver bredere, rigere og solidarisk med den internationale kamp for ligestilling.

Kom og bliv klogere på hvordan feministisk aktivisme udspiller sig i Vestafrika, eller mød en af dem som organiserer kvindelige tekstilarbejderes kamp mod militærdiktaturet i Myanmar. Du kan også få belyst hvordan kampen mod gratis og underbetalt omsorgsarbejde udspiller sig for aktivister fra Mellemøsten og Nordafrika eller få indblik i hvordan kvindedrab bekæmpes i Danmark og Internationalt. Desuden vil der være events med fokus på digital vold, som en barriere for kvinders demokratiske deltagelse og vold mod kvinder i politik. Den internationalt kendte tyrkiske forfatter Elif Shafak, deltager i vores onlineprogram i en samtale om litteraturen som kvindekampplads, set i lyset af Tyrkiets nylige udmeldelse af Istanbulkonventionen. Konventionen som beskytter kvinder mod vold.

Danmarks Udviklingspolitik til feministisk debat

Sideløbende med Talk Town bliver Danmarks nye udviklingspolitiske strategi forhandlet på Christiansborg. Det har flere aktører på Talk Town valgt at fokusere på. Bl.a. har Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Maternity Foundation og Sex & Samfund inviteret udviklingsminister Flemming Møller Mortensen og læge og aktivist Haifaa Awad til debat med kvinderettighedsforkæmpere fra Palæstina og Uganda. De skal debattere hvordan Danmark kan sikre bedre beskyttelse af kvinder i konflikt. Oxfam IBIS giver deres bud på hvordan konflikt og fred kan gentænkes i debatten ”A feminist vision for peace”. Og til eventet Gender Equality in Denmark’s Foreign and Development policy, vil Kvinderådet, Globalt Fokus, Sex & Samfund og MSActionAid, med hjælp fra internationale eksperter og aktivister, undersøge Danmarks potentialer for at føre en feministisk udviklings- og udenrigspolitik. En tendens der har vundet indpas i bl.a. Sverige, Canada, Island og Mexico. Desuden vil aktivister fra Tunesien, Polen og Mexico kaste lys over hvordan Danmark bedst kan støtte deres kamp for bedre rettigheder i eventet Women and queers at the forefront of protest movements arrangeret af LGBT+Danmark, Nyt Europa og Globalt Fokus.

Om Talk Town

Talk Town er en årlig festival arrangeret af Foreningen Talk Town og Kvinderådet. Festivalen er aktørdrevet, så alle events er udviklet af organisationer, aktivister eller andre, som har noget på hjerte indenfor ligestilling, køn og feminisme. Der er omkring 20 danske NGO’er involveret i det internationale program i år. Alle events er gratis og foregår i år på Union Cph på Nørrebro og online via Zoom eller Facebook.

Hvis du vil vide mere, så kontakt Anna Villumsen på mail: eller på telefon: +4560568087

Du kan finde det samlede program her

Det internationale program finder du herunder:

Arabiske fagforeningskvinders kamp for et lige arbejdsmarked

Arrangør: Ulandssekretariatet

Hvordan skaber man et bedre arbejdsmarked for kvinder i Mellemøsten, hvis kvinderne ikke tør tale om deres oplevelser med lavere løn, ringere vilkår, vold og chikane? Mød fagforeningskvinder fra Jordan og Tunesien, som fortæller hvordan de med ILOs Konvention C190 kæmper for bedre arbejdsvilkår i formel og uformel økonomi.

Operation Dagsværk: I skole uden sexuel chikane

Arrangør: Operation Dagsværk

Til eventet kan du møde Liva, Lucas og Asta, som alle tre har været med til at starte samtaler om ligestilling med unge i Danmark. Sammen vil de give et indblik i, hvordan unge i Peru kæmper for ligestilling og fortælle om de overvejelser, de har gjort sig om at skabe en kampagne om ligestilling og seksuelle krænkelser. De vil desuden fortælle om deres oplevelser med at diskutere ligestilling med danske unge, hvordan emnet er blevet modtaget på gymnasierne, samt hvilken effekt det har haft.

Gender Equality in Denmark’s foreign and development policy

Arrangør: Kvinderådet, MSActionAid, Globalt Fokus, Sex & Samfund

Feminist foreign policy is gaining ground as countries like Sweden, Canada and Mexico adopt the concept. But what about Denmark? Will we have feminist principles guiding our external policies, and how? Experts and politicians debate this in relation to Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation.

Debunking the myth of the trafficked woman

Arrangør: The Red Van

Over the past few decades, Western countries have cultivated a specific, rigid image around sex trafficking. In this panel discussion, The Red Van will dig into the myth of ‘the trafficked woman’ and separate fact from fiction with the help of two researchers. At the event, pur panelists (TBA) and moderator Polina Bachlakova will illuminate how the myth of ‘the trafficked woman’ functions as a potent tool to justify a wide variety of state policies. Last but not least, we’ll discuss the nuances that exist in migrant sex work and trafficking – and discuss the difference between the two.

Violence against women in politics

Arrangør: DIPD

Violence against women in politics is not only about politics – it is very much about gender. About women. Against women.
Violence against women in politics distorts democracy: Women are exposed to physical or psychological attacks that naturally frighten them. Other women withdraw from the political conversation because they don’t have the strength to be exposed to verbal assaults, or they simply don’t want to spend their time dealing with trolls in cyberspace.

Køn og seksualitet i asylsystemet

Arrangør: LGBT Asylum

Ifølge flygtningekonventionen er man berettiget til beskyttelse, hvis man er forfulgt pga. seksualitet eller køn. Men i praksis er det meget svært at opnå asyl som LGBTQ-person. LGBT Asylum fortæller om udfordringer i det danske asylsystem, og hvordan de rammer mennesker, som falder uden for almindelige forståelser af køn og seksualitet.

Activist strategies countering digital violence

Arrangør: Kvinfo, OXFAM Ibis, EuroMedRights

Presenters from Denmark, Palestine, Lebanon and Morocco will be part of this event. The goal is to present different activist approaches against digital violence as well as creating a basis of knowledge through a report on the subject. Suggestions on solutions to this increasing problem will be posed with a discussion at the end of the event.

Elif Şafak – a talk on literature and women’s rights

Arrangør: Kvinderådet

Elif Şafak is an award-winning British-Turkish novelist. She writes in both Turkish and English and has published 18 books, 11 of which are novels. Her work has been translated into 55 languages. Her latest novel 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World was shortlisted for the Booker Prize, the RSL Ondaatje Prize and chosen as Blackwell’s Book of the Year. Her previous novel, The Forty Rules of Love was chosen by BBC among 100 Novels that Shaped Our World. Şafak holds a PhD in political science, and she has taught at various universities in Turkey, the US and the UK, including St Anne’s College and Oxford University where she is an honorary fellow. Yıldız Akdoğan, Columnist, MA Political Science and former MP will be interviewing.

The Debt Pandemic: Women, Debt and Inequality

Arrangør: DIIS

Debt is an often overlooked feminist issue. This talk sheds light on local and global dynamics that cause women in poverty to end up in debt to credit institutions, family members, loan sharks and criminals. How might we begin to see debt not as an individual, but as a structural problem?

A Feminist Vision for Peace

Arrangør: OXFAM Ibis

Mainstream approaches to peace and security are masculinised and militarised and take place in exclusionary spaces which continue to block women’s meaningful engagement. This event wants to challenge the dominant frame of militarisation through the lens of feminist peace and explores why peace and security should be an important part of feminist work.

Women and queers in the frontline of protest movements

Arrangør: Nyt Europa, Kvinderådet, LGBT+ DK, Globalt Fokus

Women and LGBTQI+ advocates are often at the forefront of global protests for socio-economic and democratic rights. Listen to a conversation between feminist advocates from protest movements in Poland, Tunisia and USA/Mexico on why gender and feminism are pivotal in the fight for change.

Women’s rights in global hotspots

Arrangør: Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Maternity Foundation, Sex & Samfund

Women’s rights activists from Palestine and Uganda talk about their struggle to end gender-based violence and promote women’s rights amid crisis and conflict. Doctor Haifaa Awad, Danish NGO-leaders and Minister for Development Flemming Møller Mortensen reflect on how to ally from Denmark.

Realities, struggles and inclusion of queer migrants in Denmark

Arrangør: LGBT+ Danmark

How can we, LGBTQIA+ migrants, be meaningfully included in social, legal and activist environments? Join the discussion! After the panel discussion, join our roundtables to share your experience, explore how queer migrants’ lives can be improved in Denmark and connect with other LGBTQIA+ migrants.

10 Years with the Istanbul Convention: Why the Controversy?

Arrangør: Kvinderådet, Amnesty International

Turkey marks the 10-year of the Istanbul Convention – a landmark treaty to combat violence against women – by pulling out. And others might follow due to critique of it interfering with “family values”. The talk engages Turkish activists on this set-back on women’s rights and how to counter it.

Hvordan stopper man kvindedrab? Danske og internationale erfaringer

Arrangør: Danner

Hver time bliver seks kvinder dræbt i verden. Dansk og international forskning viser, at der ofte er gået psykisk vold forud for drabene. Overalt på kloden er langt flere kvinder blevet udsat for partnervold under coronapandemien. I Danmark er partnervolden mod kvinder blevet voldsommere og hyppigere under lockdown. Samtidig har protestbevægelserne i mange lande fået nyt liv. I denne talk går vi bag tallene med fortællinger fra Danmark, Sydafrika og Latinamerika om protestbevægelserne og arbejdet med at forebygge partnervold. Vi kigger på årsager og sammenhænge, og ser på forebyggelsespotentialet for at stoppe partnervold – og dermed kvindedrab.

Masih Alinjead: Women´s rights and the role of Media

Arrangør: International Media Support, Kvinderådet

Meet Masih Alinjead, a prominent Iranian women’s rights activist and journalist, who will discuss women’s rights and media’s role, responsibility and challenges in promoting gender equality in a conversation with Andreas Reventlow, Deputy Director at media development organisation IMS (International Media Support). Masih Alinjead has extensive both personal and professional experiences within the field, which include imprisonment for critical writings, fleeing her home country and founding the My Stealthy Freedom campaign that advocates against compulsory hijab.

Kvindekamp i Irak og dens udfordringer på alle aspekter

Arrangør: Den Iranske Kvindeliga

Mød de fire kvinder Rebecca, May, Nidal og Manal fra Den Irakiske Kvinde Liga, der vil vise en film med fortællinger om irakiske kvinder fra forskellige nationaliteter og religioner, der kæmper for deres overlevelse, rettigheder og ligestilling. Fortællinger om helte og mønsterbrydere. Debat efter filmen.

Blod og politik i Østafrika

Arrangør: Fordi Det Nytter, SheForShe

Lack of access to menstrual products is a human rights issue.” – WHO, 2014. Hvorfor kan menstruation være livsfarligt i 2020, og hvornår bliver blod politisk? I denne paneldebat vil Mary Namagambe og Marianne Olsen give et internationalt perspektiv på ligestilling og livet med menstruation. Mary Consolata Namagambe (SheForShe) og Marianne Stæhr Olsen (FordiDetNytter) er begge forkvinder for organisationer, der arbejder i hhv. Uganda og Kenya for kvinders ligestilling, skolegang og sundhed.

The value of women – unpaid and underpaid care work

Arrangør: OXFAM Ibis

The work efforts of women all around the world is systematically undervalued. There is no place on earth where women earn the same as men despite the fact that women consistently work more hours than men when counting house work.
Society simply does not value childcare, nursing, health services and other forms of care work as much as engineering or construction. We just assume that women will do it, whether or not they get paid.
During this event, we look at how gender inequality within the care economy effects women in different parts of the world. How can we influence society to stop viewing care work as a burden and an expense that needs to be kept low, instead of valuing and acknowledging this extremely important work?
During the event, we will have a conversation among activists in Denmark and in the Middle East. We look at differences and commonalities in women’s struggle for equal pay and acknowledgment of care work in these two very different contexts. And we seek to explore what we can learn from each other as feminist activists.
Oxfam IBIS works for women’s rights all over the world. In collaboration with the Danish Arab Partnership Programme, we work for economic independence and inclusion of marginalised groups in the Middle East and North Africa. For this event, we have invited some of our strong feminist partners from the region, to share their experiences, tools and knowledge in the struggle to acknowledge and value care work within care sectors and households.
The event will be in English.

Women in the forefront against the military in Myanmar

Arrangør: Ulandssekretariatet

Meet Khaing Zar who is a key person in the trade union movement in Myanmar and has worked to improve working conditions for textile workers. She is also part of the Civil Disobedience Movement which has challenged the military after their recent coup. Khaing Zar will talk about the trade unions role in promoting democracy and equality in Myanmar.

Feminist strategies, movements and best practises from west Africa

Arrangør: Amnesty International

Feminist movements, organisations and activists have been in the forefront pushing for change and equality in West Africa and globally, for example during the recent #EndSars protests in Nigeria. During the corona pandemic we have seen a surge in violence against women both globally and in West Africa. In this debate, we will hear about the strategies and best practises from feminist activists and organisations from Nigeria and Ghana as well as Amnesty’s offices there. We will also get input on how we can show solidarity without reproducing colonial stereotypes.