125 Years of Struggle for Women´s Rights and Gender Equality
The Women’s Council Denmark is a non-governmental umbrella organisation (NGO) for 49 organisations working to promote women’s rights and gender equality in Denmark and globally.
Member organisations include women’s rights organisations, political parties, trade unions, gender researchers, women’s shelters, humanitarian women’s organisations and professional women’s groups.
The Council runs projects together with local partners internationally, including Morocco and Egypt. Read about our international work here
The Council is represented in a number of boards, committees and councils e.g. in the European Women´s Lobby and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
The Women’s Council Denmark was established in 1899 as the common voice for Danish women internationally. By gathering women from all layers of society, the Council soon became a strong driver for Danish women’s rights and liberation, and has pushed for gender equality in Denmark and globally ever since.